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Our Sponsors

We are hugely grateful to the support of the following main sponsors of the festival without whom we would not be able to put the event on.  


Sponsorship opportunities exist, if you are interested in discussing these then please use the contacts form or contact Steve on 07530 313599


Gloucester City Council have also pulled out many stops to support our festival again this year and we extend our heatfelt thanks to them for this, their vision has enabled the festival to develop in scope from last year.

Thanks must be given to Marketing Gloucester who have backed the festival from the outset and supported us with advice and other assistance since day 1.  Their assistance has been thoroughly appreciated.

Further thanks must be extended to our other sponsors listed below, the venues themselves for agreeing to host the groups, our team of volunteers and the groups themselves who have given up their time for free to attend the festival.  Without all of these parties' generosity we would not have been able to put the festival on this year.  

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